Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums

November 29, 2023


Pain management and decision-making for people living with dementia will be discussed.

Caregivers are invited to attend the discussion forums by Zoom which will take place every two weeks. There will be options for a daytime and evening session within the same week. At these forums caregivers are invited to share their experiences, stories, and strategies to support persons living with dementia. The topics for discussion will be determined by the research partners and the group’s needs. Some topics suggested by research partners include open introduction, self-care for caregivers, how to communicate with persons living with dementia, how to explain dementia to families and friends, and making Namaste Care activities culturally relevant. Ideas for testimonials of caregivers in written and video format will be sought. At every discussion forum there will be time dedicated for open discussions, how the Adapted Namaste Care program is being used, and recommendations for topics at the next forum. Please continue to visit this page to see when the next forum is taking place and which topics will be discussed.